
5 July 2018

The Ultimate Healthy BBQ | 5 Meals & their Macros

The Ultimate Healthy BBQ - 5 Meals & their Macros - Grilled chicken & veg
 'Tis the season for BBQ's! And wouldn't you love endless BBQ's, guilt free, that didn't mess with your diet? Well ditch the white buns & processed meat! Here's a couple of meal ideas - all healthy, some more complex than others - to allow you to BBQ all summer along, whilst aiding your goals...
1.   L E M O N   T U N A   &   G R I L L E D   V E G

Calories   319   |   Fat   7   |   Carbs   19   |   Sugar  10   |   Protein   44
The Ultimate Healthy BBQ - 5 Meals & their Macros - Lemon Tuna & Grilled Veg

This is a great recipe for most chunky fillets of fish - for example salmon. Simply season your fish with fresh lemon slices, oil, pink salt & pepper & wrap in foil. Do the same with the tuna. Then brush the veg with a little oil & place on the BBQ.

   1 fillet tuna
   To season: 1 tsp oil & 1/2 lemon
   1/2 Red Pepper
   1 Corn on the cob
   5 Baby Tomatoes
   1/4 Courgette
   1/4 Onion

2.   P R A W N   S K E W E R S

Calories   461   |   Fat   16   |   Carbs   38   |   Sugar   8   |   Protein   38
The Ultimate Healthy BBQ - 5 Meals & their Macros - Prawn Skewers

Soak your wooden skewers before hand for half a day! Pop on all you ingredients, season, then BBQ away.

   150g Prawns
   20g Halloumi Cheese
   5 Baby Tomatoes
   1/2 Red Pepper
   To Season: 1 tsp oil & lemon juice
   To Serve: 100g Spicy Rice

3.   C H I C K E N   S A U S A G E S

Calories   325   |   Fat   10   |   Carbs  20   |   Sugar   13   |   Protein   37

Such an easy substitute for regular sausages! They farrrr lower in fat & way higher in protein. I like the Heck chicken sausages personally. Best past? You can eat more!

   5 Chicken Sausages
   6 Mushrooms, season with a brush of oil & pepper
   To Serve: 125g Sweat Potato Mash & 80g Brocolli

4.   T U R K E Y   B U R G E R S

Calories   316   |   Fat   13   |   Carbs   16   |   Sugar   4   |   Protein   31
The Ultimate Healthy BBQ - 5 Meals & their Macros - Turkey Burger

One of the more time consuming options. You will be using turkey mince to make your own burgers! Try this recipe... Alternatively, if you are strapped for time, certain supermarkets do sell them ready made.

   For the Burger: 140g turkey mince
   Season with: Garlic, cumin, pepper, paprikia, 1 tspn Oil
   1 Wholegrain Bun
   1 Burger Tomatoe
   2 tbsp Salsa
   1 Large Mushroom

5.   P E R I   P E R I   C H I C K E N

Calories   399   |   Fat   12   |   Carbs   35   |   Sugar   4   |   Protein   36
The Ultimate Healthy BBQ - 5 Meals & their Macros - Peri Peri Chicken

Easy peasy lemon squeezy! Simply cover your chicken with peri peri & wack on the BBQ, with a corn on the cob (wrapped in foil) & serve with spicy rice!

   1 Chicken Breast
   2 tspn Peri Peri Sauce
   1 Corn on the Cob
   To Season: 1 tspn Oil, Pepper
   100g Spicy Rice

Now go out & enjoy this glorious whether & BBQ away guilt free! Let me know how you get on or if you have any other ideas for me... Until next week!


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