
26 October 2017

What I Eat in a Day | Starting my Lean Bulk

What I Eat in a Day - Lean Bulk, Girly Gains, Carbs, Protein, Balanced diet, Meal plan, Meal prep
A quick but insightful post this week - I wanted to share with you exactly what my current day of eating looks like, as I begin my lean bulk. But not just to give meal ideas, mainly to show just how much good food you can eat in a day & still be healthy & still love the food you're eating! I'm currently building up to a calorie surplus, so all this food you see here, is only about 50 cals over my daily allowance! I want you all to feel comfortable around food & embrace eating carbs, snacking 4 times a day & not giving a toss what people think, because you know how to be healthy for your body & your goals!

12 October 2017

Winter Warmers | My Favourite Healthy Recipes for the Colder Months

Winter Warmers - Chipotle Chicken & Roasted Veg, high protein dinner, carbs, energy, bulking, spicy, eat clean, meal prep, meal plan
Ok, so it's not winter quite yet!!! But this sudden chill has me already craving hot chocolates & mince pies. So to help you up & forget all about those winter cravings, here are my 3 favourite recipes for this time of year - all healthy, natural & delicious!

5 October 2017

Winter Is Coming | New Fitness Goals, Diet & Workout & Growing the Booty

New Fitness Goals, Diet, workout plan, time to lean clean bulk - building muscle
So a bit of a chatty one today! I wanted to talk a little about my new fitness goals & why it's so important to keep refresh your goals! I've been weight training for over 2 years now & like anyone, I have my lows & highs when it comes to motivation. But what I find helps me focus the most is setting myself new goals & trying new things - constantly changing things up & keeping it exciting! And since the big summer motivator is now behind us, I needed to look for something new, to keep me committed.