
21 January 2017

Meal Prep 101 | The Ultimate Beginner's Guide

Meal Prep for the day, clean eating, banana, boiled eggs, muffin, salad, chicken & veg, Sweat potato, beans & meat, hummus & celery
Meal prepping - to some a way of life, to others a mystery as to where to even begin! Well hopefully I can clear up all your questions, with my simple guide on how to meal prep. So what is meal prep? It is where you prepare whole meals or aspects of your meals in advance, to save time. This could include anything from chopping your week's vegetables all at once, or measuring out portion sizes ready for the week ahead, or even cooking a full batch of meals in advance. Even the smallest amount of prep can be so helpful.

17 January 2017

10 Exercises to Try if You're an Exercise Newbie | Win a Workout

Confidence can be one of the biggest things holding you back when you first begin to exercise & that's completely understandable - you're in a new surrounding & are unsure of what to do. Well guess what, we've all been there! But now we are happy & confident in what we do & that will become you too. One of the best ways to find that confidence is to find a form of exercise that you enjoy! Don't feel pressured to exercise in a specific way because that is the 'only' way - that's rubbish. The more you enjoy exercise, the more you will want to continue with it & you'll start seeing results, inside & out.

Adidas Boost Floral Pink Trainer, for Gym Training, with Metallic Logo

14 January 2017

My Top Health & Fitness Essentials | Food, Drink & Supplements

1. Water  In any shape or form! Not only does it hydrate you & makes your skin look great, but drink it with the right ingredients & it's a miracle worker! Try adding lemon to your water or drink water in the form of green tea - both are fantastic for your health, they remove toxins from the system & relieves bloating. I started drinking green tea about a year ago & haven't looked back since. Goodbye bloating, hello flat tummy!

9 January 2017

Well being & Fitness Goals | How to Reassess for 2017

Christmas has passed, as have all the good excuses for eating a whole box of chocolates in one sitting... And the new year is now in full swing, along with all our fresh new resolutions! But how many of those resolutions actually stick? And is it because we are setting too many challenging goals for ourselves at once? Well this year I have chosen to make NO New Years Resolutions. Why? I can't think of any, nor do I feel I need any. Instead I'm focusing my mind on progression & being more constructive overall.
So if you're like me & can't think of or want a New Years resolution, then maybe it's the perfect time to reassess some old goals, to make this a productive & positive year for us all! These goals don't have to be just fitness, you can reassess any in a similar way, but today we are focusing on those fitness goals.

1 January 2017

New Year. New Blog. New Me.

Hello & welcome to the first official blog post for Pin & Trim!
The new year is always thought of as a chance to change, for self improvement; hence why I have decided to officially launch this blog today. The beginning of a new year & a start of a new, more exciting blog. If you have followed me from my previous blog - Dress Me, I'm Your Mannequin - then welcome back. Or if you're new, I hope you enjoy what you see. But make sure to subscribe, so you never miss any exciting new content!